• 0751 766 381
  • tulcea@antrec.ro
  • Tulcea, România

Danube Delta Pike Fishing Championship, 8th edition, 2019:
an event to promote sustainable, non-invasive tourism,
designed and developed together with the Danube Delta locals

ANTREC Tulcea, together with Verada Tour and with the support of the locals from Mila 23, carried out the organization of this competition which aims to promote responsible rural tourism, non-invasive, and rediscover the instinct of educated fisherman, protecting nature and respecting the community.


For two days, the competition took place in three rounds, fishing from the dawn of the day, with the boat rod, each crew totaling two people. The winners were those who fished the largest amount of pike, measuring at least 40 cm from head to tail.


The winners were:


1st place: Dragnea Octavian and Mehedințiu Aurel

2nd place: Moldoveanu Valentin and Ivanov Laurențiu Nică

3rd place: Anastasiu Florin and Anastasiu Liliana

Award for excellence (the biggest pike in the competition): Ivanov Laurențiu Nică

Danube Delta Pike Fishing Championship in 2019

Preparing for the competition

Officially opening competition

Fun and good cheer with music

The opening ceremony of the competition

Fun at the opening ceremony of the competition

The Rusalka Choir of Mila 23 delights with traditional music

The Rusalka Choir at the Danube Delta Pike Fishing Championship

Departure in the first round for the Delta Cup

Release the catches back in their natural habitat

On positions for the second round for the Delta Cup

We returned from the second round with enthusiasm

End of the second round for the Delta Cup

We went to the last round for the Delta Cup

We measured and released the last round!

Awarding the participants and winners for the Danube Delta Pike Fishing Championship,
8th edition, 2019

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Articles about the Danube Delta Pike Fishing Championship: